A.P.A.M. s.a.s.

A.P.A.M. S.A.S. is located in Militello Val di Catania (CT), a small village in the province of Catania, which is especially dedicated to the production of oranges.
The land falls mostly on the territory of Scordia (CT) and Lentini (SR) and covers about 45 hectares.
The family-owned farm enjoys the experience of different generations of producers which have made citrus growing their passion and the main focus of their lives.


Contact Info

  • Address

    Apam s.a.s.
    c.da Fara s.n.
    95043 Militello Val di Catania – (CT)

  • Tel

    095 65 61 40

  • Fax

    095 81 21 28

  • E-mail



How to reach us

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